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Stefan Kordel

Research Fellow and Lecturer at the Institute of Geography (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)

Subjects of Interest

  • Migration Research: refugee migration, forms of privileged migration (lifestyle migration), retirement migration, temporary migration, mobilities
  • Social Geography: negotiation of identities and belonging, constructions of home
  • Rural Studies: constructions of rurality, representations and practices, transformations of rural areas
  • Tourism Research: innovative entrepreneurs in rural tourism, tourism and authenticity, residential tourism
  • Geographical Gerontology

List of publications

Latest articles in peer reviewed journals (*=SCI-listed)

*Kordel, S. & S. Lutsch (2018, under review): Status quo and potential of remigration among Transylvanian Saxons to rural Romania. In: European Countryside.

*Eimermann, M. & S. Kordel (2018): International lifestyle migrant entrepreneurs in two new immigration destinations: Understanding their evolving mix of embeddedness. In: Journal of Rural Studies (published online 8th of May 2018).

*Kordel, S. & P. Pohle (2018): International lifestyle migration in the Andes of Ecuador: how migrants from the USA perform privilege, import rurality and evaluate their impact on local community. In: Sociologia Ruralis, 58 (1), 126-146.


Monographs and Editorships / Organisation of special issues

Kordel, S., Weidinger, T. & I. Jelen (Eds., 2018): Current immigration processes to European peripheries: status quo, implications and development strategies. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Kordel, S. (2017): Zuwanderung in ländliche Räume Europas. Themenheft in Europa Regional, 24.

Kordel, S. (2015): Striving for the „good life“ - home-making among senior citizens on the move. An analysis of German (pre)retirees in Spain and Germany in a continuum of tourism and migration. Diss. Univ. Erlangen. Institut für Geographie der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (2015): Kulturgeographisches Geländepraktikum (= Erlanger Skripte zum Geographiestudium 4).


Latest Book chapters with peer or editorial review

Weidinger. T. & S. Kordel (2018): Manifestations of exclusion and inclusion. Historical and current perspectives on refugee reception in rural Bavaria. In: Galera, G. et al. (Eds.): Alpine Refugees. Foreign immigration in the mountains of Austria, Italy and Switzerland. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle upon Tyne.

Kordel, S. & T. Weidinger (2018): Editorial. Current processes of immigration to European peripheries: status quo, implications and development strategies. In: Kordel, S., Weidinger, T. & I. Jelen (Hrsg.): Current immigration processes to European peripheries: status quo, implications and development strategies. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Kordel, S. & T. Weidinger (2017): Sicht der Geflüchteten auf ländliche Räume. In: Mehl. P. (Hrsg.)Aufnahme und Integration von Geflüchteten in ländliche Räume: Spezifika und (Forschungs-) herausforderungen (Thünen Report 53), 41-53.

Glorius, B., Kordel, S., Mehl, P., Schammann, H. & T. Weidinger (2017): Geflüchtete in ländlichen Regionen Deutschlands als Forschungsgegenstand: konzeptionelle Überlegungen im Nachgang des Workshops. In: Mehl, P. (Hrsg.): Aufnahme und Integration von Geflüchteten in ländliche Räume: Spezifika und (Forschungs-)herausforderungen (Thünen Report 53), 125-139.


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