Ingrid Machold graduated from the University of Vienna with a PhD in Sociology. She has long-term experience of collaborating within European research projects (FP, ESPON, Alpine Space) with specific emphasis on rural sociology, and rural and regional development issues, focusing on demographic change, social diversity, governance and regional resilience.Over the past few years, Ingrid has been involved in research regarding migration processes in rural and mountain areas, which has led to two national projects linking migration and rural development. She has served as an expert on the Austrian ÖREK-partnership “Diversity and Integration in Space” project and is co-editor of the forthcoming book Alpine Refugees: Immigration at the core of Europe.
Selected publications
- Machold, I. und Dax, T. 2017. Migration und Integration: Anstoß zur sozio-kulturellen Veränderung ländlicher Regionen durch internationale Migration. In: Kordel, S. und Pohle, P. (ed) Zuwanderung in ländlich-periphere Gebiete Europas: individuelle Beweggründe, methodische Ansätze und Auswirkungen auf ländliche Entwicklung. Europa Regional 24, 2016 (2017) I 1-2, pp. 62-76.
- Gretter, A., Machold, I., Membretti, A. and Dax, T. 2017. Pathways of Immigration in the Alps and Carpathians: Social Innovation and the Creation of a Welcoming Culture. Mountain Research and Development (MRD), 37(4). pp 396-405.
- Machold, I. 2017. Migrazione e integrazione come compito della politica regionale. Il caso dell’Austria. In: Membretti, Andrea, Kofler, Ingrid, Viazzo, Pier Paolo (ed.): Per forza o per scelta. L’immigrazione straniera nelle Alpi e negli Appennini. Ariccia: edizioni Aracne, pp. 213-228.
- Dax, T. and Machold, I. 2015. Rising immigrant population and integration in rural areas, Changes in the Geography of Migration and new Orientation of Integration Processes, in: Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention (ed.) Demographic Changes in the Alps, Report on the state of the Alps, Alpine Signals – Special Edition 5. Innsbruck, 44-47. (also in German, Italian, French and Slovenian)
- Machold, I. und Dax, T. 2015. Schlüsselfaktor Zuwanderung. Migration in ländlichen Regionen Österreichs. In: Garstenauer, Rita, Unterwurzacher, Anne (eds.): Aufbrechen, Arbeiten, Ankommen. Mobilität und Migration im ländlichen Raum seit 1945. Jahrbuch für Geschichte des ländlichen Raums 2014. Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen: Studienverlag. 164-184.
- Machold, I. and Dax, T. 2014. Migration und LEADER. Entwicklungsinitiativen in ländlichen Regionen. Abschlussbericht der Bundesanstalt für Bergbauernfragen. Dezember 2014. Wien. 19 Seiten.
- Machold, I., Dax, T. and Strahl, W. 2013. Potenziale entfalten. Migration und Integration in ländlichen Regionen Österreichs. Forschungsbericht Nr. 68 der Bundesanstalt für Bergbauernfragen. Wien. 168 Seiten.