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Ingrid Kofler

Senior Researcher, Center for Advanced Studies, Eurac Research

Ingrid Kofler has been a Senior Research Fellow at Eurac Research since 2015. She received her PhD in Sociology from Paris Descartes University, France, and Roma Tre University, Italy. Her academic background is reflected in her main research interests, which include globalisation, social change, innovation and migration, as well as qualitative and quantitative social research methods. Prior to joining Eurac in 2015, Ingrid was a researcher at apollis and a teaching and research assistant at the University of Rennes, Paris Descartes and Evry.


Research area

  • Political Sociology
  • Inter & Transdisciplinarity
  • Culture & Society


Recent Publications
Kofler, I., Marcher, A., (2018) The role of embeddedness in Regional Innovation Systems – a case study on inter-organizational networks in South Tyrol (Italy). Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship 30 (1) doi 10.1080/08276331.2017.1401202.


Marcher, A., Kofler, I., Streifeneder, T. (2017) Social and labour integration of asylum seekers in rural mountain areas – Empirical insights from South Tyrol (Italy). Mountain Research Development 37 (4) doi 10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-17-00030.1.


Kofler, I; Marcher, A.; Anesi, F., Pechlaner, H. Streifeneder, T. (2018) Regionale Innovationsnetzwerke stärken – Rafforzare le reti d´innovazione regionali. Bozen, Eurac Research. ISBN 978-88-98857-37-1.


Membretti, A., Kofler, I., Viazzo, P. (2017) (eds.) Per forza o per scelta. L’immigrazione straniera nelle Alpi e negli Appennini. Roma, Aracne, ISBN: 978-88-255-0494-1.


Innerhofer, E., Kofler, I., Marcher, A., (2017). „Zu Gast“ oder „zu fremd“ in der Heimat anderer. Eine Reflexion über Gast-sein und Fremd-sein. – In: Pechlaner, H., Nordhorn, C., Marcher, A., eds., 2017, Flucht, Migration und Tourismus – Perspektiven einer „New Hospitality“. – LIT Verlag.


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